The 100% Synthetic ScrapeFix Combo Pack is your perfect weapon to get more trail camera pictures during pre-rut, rut and post-rut. In combination with ScrapeFix, two additional puffs of ScrapeFix Rut is the most effective and simple way to inventory your deer without having to use bait and/or minerals.
The 100% Synthetic powder based Dominant Buck can be used all year long, scrapes are used year-round by whitetails as a means of communication. Use ScrapeFix as an effective and simple way to inventory your deer without having to use bait and or minerals.
- The scent is infused at a molecular level with organic compounds whitetails can’t resist
- The Delivery System- when the powder is dispensed it keeps distribution of scent to a minimum to peak deer interest and retention without over powering the area with too much odor
- The scent will never breakdown or change and will continue to work for weeks after initial application
- Licking Branches are the key to mock scrapes. The powder adheres to licking branches perfectly with just the right amount of scent
- No Messy Liquids
- Clip and carry convenience
- Simple to make a mock scrape on way to or leaving your stand
- Place scent downwind or for use as cover scent and calming effect when game is approaching from downwind
- For use all year long
- Use ScrapeFix on Decoys
- Puff the ScrapeFix on your boots creating scent trail to and from your stand
The 100% Synthetic powder based Rut formula is used during pre-rut, rut and post rut. Using in conjunction with ScrapeFix, add the Rut formula to your Mock Scrapes to entice cruising bucks to believe there is a mature doe in the area who is ready to breed. And to antagonize the other bucks in the area to keep visiting the sites frequently to see what competition has been there.
- The scent is infused at a molecular level with organic compounds whitetails can’t resist
- The Delivery System- when the powder is dispensed it keeps distribution of scent to a minimum to peak deer interest and retention without over powering the area with too much odor
- The scent will never breakdown or change and will continue to work for weeks after initial application
- Licking Branches are the key to mock scrapes. The powder adheres to licking branches perfectly with just the right amount of scent
- No Messy Liquids
- Clip and carry convenience
- Simple to make a mock scrape on way to or leaving your stand
- Place scent downwind or for use as cover scent and calming effect when game is approaching from downwind
- For use around the rut
- Use on Decoys