Make the PERFECT MOCK SCRAPE in any location with ScrapeFix® TheVine. Fully adjustable, place TheVine on any tree, adjust to the desired height of the licking branch and WATCH IT WORK!
Now you can make the perfect mock scrape in any location with ScrapeFix’s TheVine. Fully Adjustable, place TheVine on any tree, adjust to the desired height and WATCH IT WORK! Any scrape fanatic knows that vertically hanging licking branches are the key to mock scrapes. Whitetails can’t resist vertically hanging branches and will travel long distances to visit these locations.
Licking Branches are the key to mock scrapes, particularly vertical hanging Licking Branches. Whitetails cannot resist vertical hanging licking branches when it comes to mock scrapes. The problem is the perfect licking branch is never readily available in the spot you desire i.e. next to your stand or trails leading to it. Another problem is Whitetails are particular to the trees they like to rub and scrape on. Another problem is when the rut approaches and testosterone levels increase, the bucks tend to break the licking branches. Whitetails will not utilize a scrape without overhanging limbs. Now you can make the perfect mock scrape in any location with the Scrape Vine. Fully adjustable- you can place the Scrape Vine on any tree and adjust the desired height of the licking branch (waist to eye level) and Watch It Work. Utilize ScrapeFix, Rut, and Enhancer on Scrape Vines.
- The perfect licking branch is never readily available next to your stand, shooting lanes or trail camera locations.
- As the rut gets closer bucks will often break of licking branches and abandon the scrape.
- Whitetails will rarely make scrapes in locations without the perfect licking branch.